it is more impressive when a person shows restraint rather than  indulgence
it is more impressive when a person shows restraint rather than indulgence

it is more impressive when a person shows restraint rather than indulgence

There are endless things we humans indulge in. If there is something I battle with everyday it is the temptation of indulgence. I have or may have so therefore I have. But from my past experiences, indulgence leads to path that goes against the good. But without indulgence there is no restraint. So the two have to co-exist. However, it is up to me to practice daily and hourly the movement and thoughts of restraint.

Many of my coworkers struggle daily with restraint and indulgence. To appease their internal conflict they gather others to share in their indulgences as to smooth over the feeling of discordance and wrong-doing. But remember, if they try to gather you into their indulgence it is their own internal problem they are struggling with and not yours to bear. For example, on a frequent basis there is a plethora of sweets and sugary treats brought into the breakroom for all to eat if they would like. I do not like to eat too many because it makes me nauseous and my esophagus dries up. I have a negative physical response. Not too mention it provides negative nourishment for me to continue my work day efficiently. It slows me down to lethargy. If you are in a situation like this, although, seemingly benign, think of the effects it will have on you. Then after pausing to contemplate act on your informed decision. You have to be extremely quick. Less than a second, a nano-second. If you are quick in thinking and keenly on the lookout you will be less inclined to be caught off guard and more inclined to following the path that is faithful to your being.

I am more impressed with someone who has the means to buy, do, wield their power/control yet consciously chooses to restrain themselves for the better good.

Another example, would be buying a home. Mortgage rates are at an all-time low in the 2% plus or minus. Homes are quickly rising in price. Is it more impressive to buy a large, expensive home or to buy a home within my means? Is it better for you, society, and your loved ones to over extend your finance as to go into debt with the bank and to your employer or to buy a home you can afford that allows you to not be beholden to an institution that thrives off of the debts of others?

Think quickly. Even if you are tired and wary. Always be on the lookout. You never know what is lurking in the corners of your mind that lead you down a road you wish you had never gone down.