It is a beautiful, magnificent day.
I tell myself this each morning. Especially on the days where I wake up and see the blue skies and tree tops lined up waiting to be sun kissed. Drinking water on the front steps wondering what I am to do with myself. I love bathing in the sun and do believe I am meant to be outside all day to turn my color akin to the earthen soil. That is where my ancestors have busied themselves for at least a century. Now I am changing the course of our ancestry by keeping inside away from the very thing they did every day. How my body will react is not pleasant to the extreme change of environment. Perhaps, the next in line will have adjusted better to the new environment.
I wish I could see my ancestors and see how they lived and what their thoughts, dreams, beliefs, doctrines were. It would allow me to know how I became who I am today and who I will be. It would allow me to see the faults and hidden ditches, but also the strengths. I’ve heard that to be able to connect to your ancestors is to connect to your parents. If you have a good relationship with your parents then you have a good relationship with your ancestors. If you know the thoughts, dreams, beliefs, doctrines, faults, hidden ditches, and strengths of your parents then you know the same of your ancestors. In this gives you the tools essential for your journey through living as a human being.
I hope I have not dishonored them now. The past I feel deep sorrow for because I know they would not believe that was me working in the best of interest to myself and future self, but through the past I can learn from my mistakes. And from mistakes that replay over and over I can teach others to avoid and they can make mistakes that lead them closer to their own self. The best way I know how is to live each day and moment through example.
One small feat I am fond to think of is when I had a new friend speak harshly towards me. I immediately was taken aback because I simply was standing there minding my own. I grew anger inside and thoughts of retribution. I let this hold inside and peak. I let it pass and I am pleased that I did not react in retribution. I met her with the same kindness I had met her with when we first met. All is well.
This is only a small memory of mine that I would be open to sharing. There are times though when faced with unrelenting beating that one has to push back and stand up straight with sharp words and mind. Those times are but a few, but good to have when necessary.
I’ll end it here. The day is beautiful. It comes with hills and valleys. Both barren and plentiful. Not knowing what it is is the beauty of our lives. To find the beauty in each hill and valley, in each barrenness and plentifulness.